The Bell Brand It's gonna be ok... blog

It’s gonna be ok……

Trust Me, I’m speaking from experience: BETTER DAYS ARE COMING!

If you are new here and you haven’t read any of my previous blogs (whenever you are ready to read them, they are there waiting 🥰) my name is Kalia Bell and I’m using my platform to journal as I actively heal from depression and anxiety. Having gone through that struggle I felt it was important to not only talk about it, but help others overcome.

*Disclaimer: I’ve gone through years and years of therapy work. I’m currently not working with a therapist, HOWEVER; I’m a huge advocate for therapy.

I wanted to create this blog to let you know “YOU WILL BE OK.” I don’t have to know what you’re going through and I don’t have to know what you’ve been through but what I do know is; you are way stronger than you think. I know that you will make it through if you just hold on.

It is a scientific fact there’s always a negative to a positive and there is always a positive to a negative. The formula is the same, but yet completely different.

Read it again:there’s always a negative to a positive, and there is always a positive to a negative.

If you are in the middle of a storm and you grab on to the negative, you will be pulled in to only see the negative. But if you are in the midst of a storm, and you fixate your eyes on your blessings you will be surrounded by nothing but blessings. I tell you no lies, it is truly that simple. Now, I know there are moments in the storm when it’s so dark you can’t see anything outside of the storm; can I be honest with you… you might want to seek help. Help doesn’t have to be a therapist (I will always advocate for therapy) but help could be reading a self help book, joining a community of people that maybe going through the same or similar situation that you are going through. Reaching out to a trustworthy companion and PRAY but you will not be able to navigate this alone. Think of it like this: You are currently driving down a dark road with no headlights nor street lamps, you need some assistance to get you through.

I will not lie to you and tell you healing is easy. IT’S NOT. I’ve never broken a bone (thank GOD) but I heard the healing is just as painful as the injury. I know people that would purposely miss physical therapy appointments because it hurts too much. In physical therapy you are moving and stretching a limb that has not been moved in months AND this limb had just recently been hurt… That’s exactly what the healing process is like. You have to move and stretch your mindset in ways you either never had before in life or you have been so deep into the darkness you don’t even remember what life was like before. Also, you are hurt. It’s hard, it’s heavy, it’s painful you can’t move out of it. TRUST ME, I have been there. Making small tiny adjustments can really help:

  • Start your day with prayer: Before you pick up your phone or turn on your tv, say a quick prayer. It doesn’t have to be a long one try: Lord, I don’t know what this day will bring but give me the strength to endure and the desire to see your face in every place. Amen.
  • Start your day with affirmation: I AM ENOUGH AND I’M WORTHY OF LOVE.
  • Start your day feeding your mind with positivity: You can read a book, listen to a podcast, or turn on some feel good POSITIVE music.
  • Start your day with an expectation: I WILL HAVE A GREAT DAY BECAUSE I DESERVE TO HAVE A GREAT DAY.
  • Start your day releasing any negative energy: journaling and or exercising are great activities to help with that.

I don’t want you to think my suggestions work 100% of the time and will prohibit you from having a bad day. What I will say is once you start something as a habit, it then becomes a reality.

Depression and anxiety are two very real emotions that many of us are either going through or have gone through. I want you to take a moment, think of something from your past; before this, when you didn’t think you were going to make it. You never thought the situation would turn around or the pain would never go away, but guess what?! IT DID! And just like before, this too shall pass. Every storm has an end. Every season will change. Just Hold On!

I don’t claim to know a lot, but what I do know and I’m living proof: If your heart’s desire is to get better, you will get better. You don’t have to know the how, you don’t have to know the when; as long as you have the desire to get better, you have already made the necessary step to healing.

I’ve been where you are, and I’m here to help. Follow me on IG @myperfectedimperfections. Check out my Podcast on #ApplePodcast #Spotify #Youtube Perfect Imperfections with Kalia Bell. You don’t have to go at this alone, I went through my storm just to help you get out of yours. 🫶🏾

If you are someone you know are having thoughts of suicide please call the suicide prevention line: 800 273-8255

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