The Bell Brand God's Blessings Blog

Know that you are surrounded by God’s blessings

Shift your focus so you don’t miss them.

There were a lot of things in my life I would often take for granted. When I look back I see areas of opportunities where I could’ve shown a little more gratitude vs being a spoiled brat pouting and making a fuss because my life seemed so terrible. And when I say spoiled brat I don’t mean as a child, I’m talking like last year brat. I was so caught up in the eye of my storms, I couldn’t see the light that was surrounded around me and within me. I missed so many moments and opportunities to sit in what would’ve been over the top amazing experiences if I had the right mindset, and I’m sure there would’ve been even more missed opportunities had GOD not stepped in right on time….each and every time.

Now that I’m on this healing journey, I have to keep focus to the light while walking through the darkness. Depending on how heavy your storm is, it may make it harder to see the light. TRUST ME… I KNOW. However the light is there, you just have to shift your focus. Find gratefulness in the small things SB: I hate saying small because there is nothing small about life. by understanding how the things we overlook someone is praying for.

I find ways throughout the day to give GOD praise; and when I say throughout the day, I mean ALL DAY – EVERY SINGLE DAY. I learned just how powerful that darkness is, and how important it is to keep your eyes focused on the light to drive out that darkness. What you don’t see in those dark spaces is how one small moment in a negative thought, action, decision, conversation; can do a lot of damage to you, your health, your work and your relationships. Next thing you know, you will only be able to see issue after issue and problem after problem.

Now someone is reading this saying “That’s easy for you to say. You don’t understand my circumstances. I have to live in a toxic home or work at a toxic job, or be related to a toxic person.” or whatever toxic or dark matter that is pulling you down. I’ve been there, which is why I share with you methods that I know to be tried and true because I’m speaking completely from experience.

The easiest way to drive out darkness, try being more vocal about what you have vs what you don’t.

Do you know making it home safely is one of the most overlooked blessings. Do you understand the dangers you step into each day outside your door? The commuting process alone is a moving danger, and add in so many other dangerous situations we could possibly encounter when we leave our house. But yet we come and go everyday just with the expectations we will get to where we have to go, and we get back home safely. Never with a care in the world. I find moments of joy and gratitude in the coming home.

  • I’m grateful to have a vehicle that can get me around where I need to go. It’s not what I want, but it’s good enough to get me to point A & B.
  • I don’t have to take hours looking for parking. Having lived in NYC with a vehicle, I know first hand how much of a gift this is.
  • I’m pulling up to my place of residency. We aren’t in our house YET, but we also don’t live in our car.
  • I made it HOME. PERIOD

So when life is lifeing all around you and things look out of control, that’s because you are looking at the wrong things. Shift your focus towards the light, and let God lead you out of the darkness. John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

What are some things you take for granted that you can show a little more gratitude towards, that maybe able to help pull you towards the light?

Remember this: A prayer answered is a prayer answered, no matter the size of the prayer. And if God did it before, God is certainly going to do it again!

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