I Got Baptized!

I Got Baptized!

What is Baptism?

It’s the powerful act of being fully submerged in water, a symbolic gesture of giving your life over to God.

Childhood Baptism Experience

Growing up in the church, I’ve attended many baptisms, and I was even baptized as a child. When I first was baptized, I was about 9 or 10. I didn’t fully understand what I was doing; I just knew it was something I was supposed to do. My mom always told me she would let me decide when I felt I was ready, and somehow little bitty me thought I was ready.

A New Understanding

This baptism was different. I was fully aware of what I was doing and why I did it. Over the last year, I’ve been growing closer and closer to God. I’ve been taking more time to read His word, sit in silence, and set intentional time for prayer. Attending church service in a building has become a priority. My desire for a closer and more intimate connection with God has intensified. I’ve had so many supernatural experiences that have brought me peace, tranquility, and answers to much-needed questions.

My Church and Community

I attend Union Church, where Pastor Stephen Chandler is our leader. At Union, they do baptism every second Sunday. The great thing about Union is you don’t have to plan to be baptized on that Sunday. If you decide that is something you want to do, they are fully prepared for you. They have undergarments, slippers, hair protection—everything you need.

The Holy Spirit's Push

One Sunday, as Pastor made his usual baptism invitation, I felt this urge to be baptized. It was that “push” that I now understand as the Holy Spirit. What I’ve come to learn about the Holy Spirit is it’s better to just do what it says, or you will continuously feel an urge until you do. When the Holy Spirit tells me to do something, it’s uneasy and peaceful at the same time. The uneasy part is my natural feelings, while the peace comes from the supernatural.

Planning for the Day

So, on that Sunday, I got the push, but immediately I felt, “Not today.” I knew I wanted to have my family there with me on my day. Originally, my desire was just to have my husband and children there, but knowing how amazing and supportive my family is, they all wanted to be in attendance as well.

The Excitement and Anticipation

Leading up to my baptism, I was so excited, similar to how a bride feels before her wedding day. Ready to profess her love for her new husband who is waiting for her at the end of the aisle. I couldn’t wait to make this public declaration. I couldn’t wait to show that I am His, and He lives within me.

Post-Baptism Reflections

Now, baptism is just the start of this walk. Making that declaration means there are more expectations. It’s easy to say you live for Christ, but does your life look like it does?

Self-Reflection Questions

  • How’s your faith?
  • How do you love those that may not deserve your love?
  • How do you show up in the world?

I know there’s nothing that happens overnight, but just like after a wedding, you can’t keep on living that single life. That’s how I feel now. Day by day, I will make it my mission to live out the declaration I made on Sunday, June 9, 2024.


Hope, positivity, and inspiration fill my heart as I embark on this renewed journey of faith, and I am excited to see where it leads.

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