The Bell Brand Sometimes you have to cheer yourself, by yourself

Sometimes you have to cheer for yourself, by yourself…….

It’s time to be proud of YOU.

I’m writing this post proudly because on today, I’m able to say “I’m proud of You, Kalia”.

I’m so proud of me! But not “I’m proud of myself and I want to hear others tell me they are proud of me too” (that use to be me) but I’m -100% ten toes down, don’t care who’s around- PROUD OF ME!

Here is a moment in my journey where I take a look back at how far I’ve come and give GOD ALL the praise, because God deserves them and so much more.

This moment of pride comes from experiencing a natural two day high. I’m returning from a solo business trip in Atlanta, GA. I went out there to network with strangers who have become family. Yes, in 2023 I traveled to another state -alone- to network with a bunch of strangers. You wanna know why….. because GOD SAID SO!

I’m a PROUD member of the “The Morning Meetup” community. We are a community of 400+ entrepreneurs with businesses ranging from start up (like myself) to 6-7 figure earners. Our community is lead by the podcast guru David Shands. David hosts a podcast called Social Proof with his co host Donni Wiggins, business coach guru. Social Proof uses its platform to help rising entrepreneurs learn the tricks and trades to owning, maintaining and growing their business and brand to whatever level of success they may desire. They teach the plays to get the bag no matter the size of the bag or the type of business. They talk with CEOs of multi million dollar companies, who share their success secrets and stories that can be applied in any business. They’ve interviewed CEO’S from Airbnb properties to CEO’s that own a fleet of cars for Turo. David extends the information from the podcast to a Monday – Friday (including holidays) live zoom call giving you the opportunity to have on the spot coaching from David and his millionaire CEO friends. I’ve only been in this group since late October early November, but I can say EMPHATICALLY -The Morning Meet has changed my life. I thank God daily for a community of like minded people with a wealth of skills, knowledge, and information genuinely wanting to see each other grow all while creating a space to grow your business. Oh did I mention they look like me. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I’ve been trying to get people to join but 🗣️Y’ALL NOT HEARING ME🗣️

Successful business owners understand the importance of being in the right rooms with the right people. David is always telling us to take advantage of opportunities that get you in these rooms. Towards the end of 2022 I started joining virtual conferences, challenges, and workshops, that were mind blowing and extremely informative. I found myself yearning to be in these spaces that not only stretched my mindset and creativity, but gave me the tools to start.

As a perk for being in the Morning Meetup community, you have FREE ACCESS to attend a live taping of the Social Proof podcast. Having been blessed so much virtually I knew I needed to physically be in those rooms and the live taping was the perfect place.

At the top of 2023 I felt this pull to get going and start really putting in the work to turn these dreams into reality. I knew I needed to get to the taping, and I knew I needed to do it sooner than later. Kevin couldn’t go with me and I felt in my spirit I couldn’t wait, so I didn’t. I booked a three day, two night trip to Atlanta with the sole purpose of attending the live taping and to connect with the Morning Meet Up community in HotLanta.


Day 1: I spent the majority of my day at the The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change (“The King Center”), which is also Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Dr. King final resting place. I spent the day just sitting watching the eternal flame while thanking God for Mr. and Mrs King and their sacrifices for my present life and my children’s future.

photo of eternal flame and headstone for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and Mrs. Coretta Scott King


We Are Magical

Also in this moment I had to thank God for the peace I felt being alone. I’ve never traveled alone, if I was not traveling with someone I was traveling to meet someone. The old me would’ve never volunteered to travel some place and not know anyone there, but God gave me peace in the silence. I truly enjoyed spending that time with just me and God, it was amazzzzzinnnnngggg.

Day 2: I spent all day at the studio. Since David never announces who he will interview for the day, you can imagine my excitement when I saw Brian Waldron, Neo Davis, and Milan of Milano De Rouge clothing brand walk into the studio. God knew what I needed to hear for what we are working on. Each interview I was blessed by the knowledge they gave, in addition to being able to ask individual questions:

  • Brian blessed me with a marketing hack
  • Neo gave me a partnership hack
  • Donni gave me a brand marketing hack
  • Milan… well Milan changed my life.

Just two bosses chit chattin 😉 with founder of Milan De Rouge, Milan

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